On Thursday, March 12th, the Spanish government announced that everyone in the country was instructed to self-isolate beginning at midnight on March 15th in the wake of the current global crisis. As a language academy that provides Spanish learning services in person, we had to take action immediately. Not wanting to cancel the group classes and stop your learning progress, we had to find a solution to keep you and our staff safe.

What is the solution?
We are happy to say that starting on Monday, March 16th, just 48 hours after making the decision to cancel our in person classes, we have successfully transferred all of your group lessons online.
We think of our Speakeasy staff and students as a family. Although we may not live under one roof, we want to keep in touch with you as best we can!
Why learn online?
We acknowledge that this is a challenging time. Self-isolation, especially for those who live alone, can be difficult and even lead to feelings of loneliness and anxiety. There is no better and safer way to keep your spirits up than by staying in touch with teachers and classmates through online learning.
You now have the opportunity to continue learning in the comfort and safety of your home. Your group lessons will carry on in this unique and dynamic setting to adapt to the current situation.
How do the online classes work?
We are using the video conferencing platform, Zoom. It’s simple to use and has many features that will make your classes very similar to in-person courses. Here are just some of the features that will help you continue your Spanish learning online:
Easy to use Not a technological person? No problem. Speakeasy will send you a link to enter your virtual Spanish classroom. All you have to do is click to participate. It may take you one class to get used to, but our students have already mastered the tool in record time and we’ve gotten plenty of positive feedback.
Screen sharing Sharing textbook exercises, audio listening exercises, videos, and anything else our teachers get creative with is easily displayed directly on your screen.
Breakout rooms Teachers can divide your class into pairs or mini-groups to practice conversation between one another or work on activities, just as in in-person lessons
Share a communal whiteboard. Just as at the academy, your teacher will have a whiteboard where they can write out notes, explanations and even call on students to add their input.
Non-verbal feedback. Have a question? You don’t have to interrupt your teacher or classmates to ask it. Use the raise hand feature to simulate a hand raise, or type your message into the chat box for everyone to see. You can also choose to send private messages.
Our teachers are getting creative with the platform and finding new ways to encourage your participation and keep the classes as dynamic as they are at the academy.
What if I don’t like this new format?
Although it is not compulsory, we urge you to try at least one class with your regular Spanish teacher online to see if you like it. If not, you can resume your in person classes once the situation is back to normal, however, we don’t know when or how long away that will be.
If you have any questions or would like more information please do not hesitate to reach out to us at +34 933 427 197, or +34 696 667 727 or contact us by email at info@speakeasybcn.com
Posted in Learn Spanish, Life at Speakeasy
Learn and improve your Spanish in Barcelona, one of the world's most vibrant and exciting cities.
Here at Speakeasy you'll find courses for all abilities and timetables, an incredible team of talented and motivated teachers and classmates to share your interests and passions. And if you need a visa for your stay, then of course we're able to help and advise.

Start your learning Spanish in Barcelona adventure
Let us know if you have any questions about our courses, our school and life at Speakeasy.