In Barcelona, running stands out as one of the most widely embraced sports. Participating in a running community offers an excellent opportunity to forge new connections, stay inspired, and enhance your running skills.

City Girls Barcelona run club
A supportive and inclusive community for girls who are new to running, returning after a break, or prefer a relaxed pace. They begin with a warm welcome, a gentle warm-up, and then hit the road together! It’s not just about running; it’s a perfect place to meet and connect with women on the same journey. Runs every Monday and weekend runs followed by breakfast and drinks.

Midnight runners Barcelona
If you like high-energy runs, this group is for you. Midnight runners hosts runs every Monday and Wednesday nights. Members of the club wear speakers and play music to hype runners up as they take-on the city at night. And the party doesn’t end there – post-run drinks follow runs to socialize and keep the high going.

Decathlon runners group
The popular sporting goods store, Decathlon, hosts regular weekly runs for runners of all levels starting at Decathlon stores around the city. Not only do they host the runs, but they will teach you different techniques to improve your performance. The runs last around 1.5 hours and are free of charge!
Sign up and see the calendar of upcoming runs here.
Posted in Things to do in Barcelona
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