
Especially designed for students who are looking for a pathway to further their education in Spain, the University Pathway Program is the steppingstone to study the Spanish University that you’ve always dreamed of.

The University Pathway Program is designed to get your Spanish up to a B2 level, the level required to be able to study in Spanish universities. If you are a complete beginner, you can join this course one year before the entry to your preferred University program, and from there, continue with your studies. If you are a non-EU student, you can apply for a student visa with this course, and then prolong your visa with the higher-education course of your choice.

We collaborate with private universities of different disciplines who can provide you with a conditional acceptance letter, stating that you will be accepted to the institution as long as you reach a B2 level with Speakeasy prior to your entry.

This program is more than just learning Spanish. Our team will help connect you to a variety of higher education options that you can continue your studies in after you’ve perfected your Spanish. We will also help guide you through the complex practical and legal procedures from start to finish.

The Speakeasy University Pathway Program is your door towards a great Barcelona experience that will shape your future!

What does this course include?

  • Academic year Spanish Language Course (9 months of Intensive classes 20 h/w + 3 months of holidays)

  • All course materials

  • Consultation in obtaining your National Student Visa (Type D).

  • Official invitation letter from Cervantes accredited school

  • Enrolment form

  • Proof of payment

  • Academic program

  • Accreditation certificate

  • Support in filling in application forms for your national visa, NIE (Spanish residency card) and its renewal

  • Support in applying to your higher education of choice and selecting the right program

Deadlines may vary depending on the institution. When applying for a Bachelor programs we assist with applications only to private institutions. The Pathway Program does not include preparation for the “Selectividad” exam (public Spanish university access tests)

For any questions or doubts about the University Pathway Program do not hesitate to "contact us":/en/contact!



Our team will help you through the process from start to finish

Ranjit Raje Speakeasy, 二月 2024

如果您想从头开始向当地老师学习西班牙语,这是最好的地方。互动式教学方式、会话课程以及每周与其他学生进行社交的活动,使 Speakeasy 成为任何新生的完美组合。我现在可以和当地人说流利的西班牙语了!


  • 处理时间长短取决于您本国的西班牙大使馆。递交学生签证务必向大使馆提前预约,因此请预留足够的时间提交申请,在大使馆收件后大约2-4周内将会收到有关学生签证申请的回复。

  • 您可以选择不供餐,仅含早餐或是半膳(包含早餐和晚餐)的住宿选项。

  • 寄宿家庭成员可是已婚或未婚的夫妇,也可能是单身,有的家庭有孩子。所有寄宿家庭都说西班牙语,他们很可能不会说其他语言,不过这是您在课堂外练习西语的最佳时机!

  • 当然可以,您可以在完成课程后继续延长Speakeasy的课程。

  • 是的!我们有超过 15 种不同的西班牙语课程可供选择,包括强化和超强化学习项目。




当您完成线上课程预订后,您将立即收到一封确认电子邮件,说明如何付款和完成预订。 让我们开始吧!

大学预备课程 €5198